As part of our commitment to transparency and user safety, we adhere to the FTC guidelines on using endorsements and testimonials in advertising. We urge you to familiarize yourself with our Testimonial Disclaimer, which can be found here: https://aussiepure.co/pages/disclaimers.
🗣️ I purchased your product for my daughter for her boxer who had Squamous Cell Carcinoma in her mouth back up under her tongue. They had given up and thought she would be dead by April. We started her on this and within 3 days we started to see an improvement. It is now completely gone. It is completely gone! In less than 3 months your product has cured her of terminal Squamous Cell cancer. When we had called the vet clinic they said "Are you ready to euthanize her." I can not believe it. Anyway, I just wanted you to be aware. Feel free to call me back if you want to hear more about this testimonial. And thank you for your product!
Julie S., Iowa, USA

🗣️ I literally thank God for the blushwood berry inside Aussie Pure. In January, a tumor started growing on my face, quickly growing to a size bigger than a dime but smaller than a nickel. I was alarmed to say the very least. For the first time in my life, however, I literally said, “I trust you Jesus” and I started putting two drops on a circular band-aid and covered the tumor. I did this twice a day. As these pictures document, for me, it took just 28 days for the tumor to turn black, shrink up and fall off. I was cautioned by my dermatologist’s office that these tumors have roots, so I was told not to pull it off. I didn’t and you can see the results for yourself. I highly recommend Aussie Pure for anyone facing a similar condition.
Scott S., South Carolina, USA

🗣️ There is Hope:)
My father has been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma stage III. I came across the Aussie Human Therapy Maximum Strength Blushwood Berry Tincture. Everything went smooth with ordering and delivering. I hope this product will help my father slow down the cancer. I have ordered now the second time and as long as I see my Father improving and his bloodwork as well, I will keep ordering from Aussie Pure. God bless you all for trying to find a way to help people with Cancer.
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.
Sibel Y. Germany
🗣️ Thank you for your email and for your great service.
I discovered your products 5 years ago. I live in Prague, Czech Republic and for 5 years I have been buying your great tincture every 3 months. 5 years ago my vet doctor told me that my dog - bull terrier Gama - has cancer findings - and that we should prepare for the last half year of her life.... My husband found a study,which wrote about the effects on this type of disease and EBC-46. And 5 years ago in the whole world I was able to buy this product only from you :) Today it's 5 years since that diagnosis, my dog celebrated his 14th birthday and is living happily and will live for a long time!
Thank you so much for all you do!
Lucie A., Czech Republic
🗣️ I was diagnosed with aggressive stage 3 c*nc*r 2 years ago. I was in remission for one and a half years. Six months ago another growth developed. At this time, my daughter came across the blushwood berry during her research. I have been taking it since then and I feel good and my growth is contained and not getting worse. I am looking forward to more positive results with taking the Aussie Pure Blushwood Berry extract.
Connie, Maryland USA

🗣️ This actually work's I am super amazed!
I absolutely love this well worth the price compared to thousands of dollars in surgery our dog has a tumor that got big and we took her to the vet ..they were going to do surgery ..but I researched if there was a natural way to remove them and came across this and then searched for it on amazon I was reluctant at first because of price but then thought about it and its way cheaper then surgery ..I must say you must be consistent after I started giving our dog 1 ml 3x a day on a dog treat that's when I saw results ..seriously amazing ..I almost did not buy cause they had no reviews and I am so glad I bought it anyways ...so I hope my review helps you make the decision to buy this ...cause it truly works I wanted to upload pics but it would not let me probably to graphic cause her tumor was a open would ...update bought a second bottle and I was able to upload pics ...1st pic is before 2nd pic is after 1 month use I am now adding Benadryl with this regimen because my theory is mass cell activation so hopefully combined it will eliminate completely...I will keep updating if I can when I get the next bottle to show progress ..p.s my dog refuses to wear a cone so I bet if I was able to keep a cone on her, their would have been even more progress cause she does irritate it ...so if you can get your dog to wear a cone it would be better.
Mary L., Texas
🗣️ I just wanted to also give you an update regarding use of the product. I started using the Aussie pure blushwood berry extract. In February 2019 following my cancer diagnosis. The first 2 bottles was purchased through amazon by a relative in United states and shipped to South Africa. I used the product while receiving chemotherapy and through my recovery following 2 surgeries. I strongly believe that the use of the blushwood extract assisted in my recovery. Thank you for always assisting. God Bless!
Nureshka N., South Africa
🗣️ Absolutely love the beauty serum. I have been using it for a little over 3 months and have already noticed such a big improvement to my skin. My redness has toned down and I'm finding I dont need to put makeup on to cover uneven skin tone anymore. The texture of my skin is softer and I have had a couple of people who hadn't seen me in a while comment on how my face is looking younger.
Jo N., New Zealand
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